Large--5" x 10", Medium--4" x 8", Small--3" x 5", Mini--2" x 4" (Also come in Small Nesting Set of 3--#S21, with Medium, Small and Mini bowls) Large 5" x 10" bowls can also be Serving Bowls--S03
Set of 3, in Arctic
Large, Medium, Small
SERVING BOWL--#S03 is the Large size
SIDE DISH BOWL--#S20 is the Medium size
Set of 4, in Jade Sea
Large, Medium, Small, Mini
SERVING BOWL--#S03 is the Large size
SIDE DISH BOWL--#S20 is the Medium size
Set of 3, in Butter Yellow
SERVING BOWL--#S03 is the Large size
SIDE DISH BOWL--#S20 is the Medium size
Also comes in Bubblegum pink
Set of 4, in Jade Sea (also comes in ButterYellow, Bubblegum, and BlueSky--see creamers for color)
SERVING BOWL--#S03 is the Large size
SIDE DISH BOWL--#S20 is the Medium size
Small Set of 3, ButterYellow and BlueSky (also comes with all 3 bowls in BlueSky, ButterYellow, JadeSea and Bubblegum)
MEDIUM--3" X 5"
SMALL--2" X 4"
Set of 3, Bubblegum pink (also comes with all 3 or 4 bowls in BlueSky, Jade Sea or ButterYellow)
SERVING BOWL--#S03 is the Large size
SIDE DISH BOWL--#S20 is the Medium size
Caribe in Large--5 3/4" x 10"
Sunshine in Medium--5" x 8"
Caribe in Small--3 3/4" x 6 1/2"
All in Chalk White
2 3/4" x 5 3/4"
Yellowbird with Clean White
Yellowbird with ButterYellow
Jade Sea (Also comes in Arctic)
2" x 4" (also come in Soup Bowl size)
CleanWhite with exposed clay exterior
Jade Sea with CleanWhite exterior (Also comes in Arctic)
Arctic with exposed clay exterior (Also comes in Jade Sea)
Aegean with CleanWhite inside, Ochre dots on rim
ButterYellow (also comes in bubblegum and sky blue)
3 1/2 " x 7" (comes with Drip Tray--5 1/2" in diameter)
Arctic (also comes in Jade Sea)
Sea Foam (also comes in Yellowbird and Adriatic)
Aegean (also comes in Yellowbird and SeaFoam)
Yellowbird (also comes in Aegean and SeaFoam)
3 1/4"H x 2 3/4"W
(also comes in Jade Sea)
3 1/4"H x 4"W
(also comes in Clean white with Jade Sea dots)
5 1/2"H x 5"W
Caribe and Sunshine
Chalk White
Lapis and Yellowbird/Ocean
CleanWhite with bees
4 1/2"H x 3 1/2"W
Arctic (also comes in Jade Sea)
Sea Foam
ChalkWhite with Circle/Dot
Aegean (also comes in Sea Foam)
Tapas/Dessert plate--6" Lunch plate--7 1/4"
Jade Sea
Jade Sea center (also comes in Arctic center)
Clean White
Small--3 1/2" x 7" Large--4 1/4" x 8 1/2"
Jade Sea dots
Jade Sea center
Small--3 1/2" x 12 1/4", Medium--5 1/4" x 13 1/4" Large--6 1/2" x 14 3/4"
Carved Rim--YellowBird/CleanWhite
Also comes as set of 3--S28
Jade Sea dots (also comes in Saturns Rings/Jade Sea)
Jade Sea dots (also comes in Seashell Rim/Jade Sea dots)
Lichen Stone
Small--6 1/2" x 8 1/2", Medium 8" x 9 1/2", Large--9 1/2" x 11", Server--11" x 13"
Yellowbird and ButterYellow
Also comes as individual pieces in each size
Bubblegum Pink
Length--14", Width--5"
Clean White
with Tomatoes
Round-4 1/2"Rectangle-Large: 4 1/4" x 5"Small: 3 1/4" x 4 1/4"Flower-3"
Arctic (also comes in Jade Sea)
Caribe with Ochre dots (also in Large size)
Clean White with Jade Sea Dots
Red dots
Bubblegum Rim
ChalkWhite (Comes in all the colors)
Lapis (Comes in all the colors)
Round--4 1/2"
Jade Sea (comes in Arctic)
Arctic (comes in Jade Sea)
Butter Dish--3" x 7", Lidded Butter Dish--2 1/2 H x 7 1/4" L x 3 3/4" W
Yellowbird, carved rim
Also comes in Sea Foam, Lapis, and Aegean carved rim
Aegean w/Ochre Dots
See Red Clay Line for other options
Soap Dish--6 1/4" x 4 1/2"
Lapis (also comes in Yellowbird)
CleanWhite with Jade Sea
Also comes with Butter Yellow and Bubblegum
Lichen Stone
Coaster--3 3/4", Coaster set with holder--4 1/2" x 2 1/2"
Clean White and Caribe
(See red and black clay lines for other coaster sets)
Clean White, Caribe, Yellowbird, Lavender (See red and black clay lines for other coaster sets)
2 1/2" x 2 1/2"
Shown here in Aegean (Comes in all the colors)
3 " x 1 1/2" HP--4" x 4"
Shown here in Lapis (Comes in all the colors, also in red clay--CleanWhite)
Small--5 3/4" x 2 1/4", Large--6 1/2" x 2 3/4"
Sea Foam with Pale Pink and Lapis
Caribe/Sunshine with Red
Clean white, Blue Sky
Clean white, Jade Sea
Clean white, Bubblegum
Spotted (Jade Sea or Arctic)